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HOME » 2022 BMW G 310 GS

2022 BMW G 310 GS

Category: Standard / ADV

G310GS Price in Canada: $6795

MSRP Increase fro 2021 : $45

Engine: Single

Displacement (cc): 313

Torque: 28 Nm

Drive: Chain

Weight (kgs): 175 (wet)

Seat (mm): 835

Uniqueness Factor: 7.5 out of 10

The engine isn’t unique so it alone would garner a lower score however the G 310 GS is in limited company when it comes to purpose. You aren’t going to go for an around the world sojourn  like Ewan and Charlie on the little GS but you can venture a little further off the pavement than you might on a strictly street bike. The looks are cool and as a 2022 model only the 390 Adventure from KTM plays a truly similar role although that more expensive bike is a little more hard edged.


The G 310 GS is the perfect companion for discovering your city, beyond its borders and off the asphalt roads. Thanks to the comfortable GS ergonomics and high-quality equipment, this bike is perfect for everyday relaxed riding to any destination.



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