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HOME » LATEST NEWS AND DEBRIS » Bonhams Claims World Record Indian Four Price

Bonhams Claims World Record Indian Four Price

    Indian Four Model 402 CombinationBonhams Auction has claimed that a new world record price has been set at their recent auction for an Indian Four. In this particular case it was a 1930 Indian Model 402 that sold for the equivalent of almost $197,000 CDN. To be fair this particular model was a “Combination” and included a sidecar.  Indian was however not the big dollar brand at this auction as three Brough Superior bikes brought in over $415,000 CDN each with the top bike going for a hefty $521,000 CDN. The most impressive thing about the two highest priced Brough Superiors is they were not complete motorcycles but rather a collection of project parts. So for a cool half million the lucky owner would receive a box with the instructions “Some Assembly Required”.

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