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HOME » 2022 BMW R 18 Classic

2022 BMW R 18 Classic

2022 BMW R18 Classic

Category: Cruiser / Tour

R18 Price in Canada: $24400


Engine: Boxer Twin

Displacement (cc): 1802

Torque (Nm): 158

Drive: Shaft

Weight (kg):  365 (wet)

Seat (mm): 710

UNIQUNESS FACTOR : 9 out of 10

When virtually every manufacturer had or was about to jump out of the big air-cooled cruiser market, with the exception of Harley and Indian, BMW jumped in with the R 18. It is different and it is an alternative amid a small group of builders.

WHAT BMW SAYS: The R 18 Classic is a modern cruiser with a nostalgic sense of BMW design. It reminds one of the beginnings, of the first cruisers suitable for touring. It also invokes timeless marks of our motorcycle history. The heart of the machine is obviously the boxer with the most displacement we have ever built. It stands for relaxing tours and pure enjoyment.


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