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Race Like Roland

    racing rolandRoland Sands is inviting you to race like Roland. All you need is a larger than 750cc twin bike, no front brake, flat track tires and some brass. The ubiquitous Roland Sands will be racing in a series of “Superhooligan” flat track races in Oregon, Wisconsin, Florida (during Bike Week), Texas and California. While Roland will be saddling up on Indian Scout Sixty custom, you on the other hand will have to source a bike for yourself. With the  750cc twin requirement, your choices will- and can be – be varied. Credit has to be given to Sands for getting behind the recent resurgence in flat track racing that has seen new racing in both Canada and the United States. With entry costs that are less than other forms of racing, fat track racing opens the sport to those with smaller pockets. North of the border, Flat Track Canada ( is planning both eastern and western Canadian schedules for 2016. Start you engines1

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