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HOME » LATEST NEWS AND DEBRIS » Where’s That Noise Coming From? Stealth Magnum X-1

Where’s That Noise Coming From? Stealth Magnum X-1

    2016 victory magnum stealth

    Victory has just announced a “Stealth” version of their rolling boombox – the Victory Magnum X-1. In an antithesis of the very idea of building a 200 watt, ten speaker motorcycle sound system thundering  down the road on a 21 inch front wheel, the new model will be painted a subdued grey monochrome paint scheme to go along with its 74% brighter LED headlights and LED marker and brake lights. Add a giant suspended disco ball and some strobes and you may complete this understated look. Bonus! It is going to be less expensive than last year’s bike – there must have been a deal on marine speakers at Best Buy.

    2016 victory magnum stealth

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