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First Cut is … the Shallowest? : Windshield Modification

“I Can See Clearly Now” could have been the title of this story, but Rich Burgess riffs on a different ‘70s tune while cutting corners
for his lovely Corrine while doing a windshield modification.

After upgrading the wife’s shocks last time we figured, what the heck let’s try a windshield. We were gifted this quick mount Genuine H-D windshield from our friend Guy (thanks buddy). After a test ride Corrine reported some turbulence issues, if she sat up taller than the norm they went away. She was also looking through the shield instead of over it, which she prefers.   Cutting the shield down a bit, with luck, will also cut down on the turbulence. Don’t have a wind tunnel but I have had some experience cutting shields, different problem for me, as some stock shields cause my beard to try beating me to death. Some folks just like the cut down look and are willing to fight the wind to be cool (in more ways than one).

Anyway. First step in the windshield modification is to mark out the shield remembering once cut it’s cut, no going back. Starting with a barber cut (an inch off the top please), that part is easy to mark following a measuring square. Somewhat more difficult is the transition into the lower portion, using a French curve from my drawing kit I got it close to smooth. (Probably the hardest part, so take your time.) 

After breaking a few cheapo abrasive wheels (always use a face shield, these little buggers can blind you when they break and they will break) I switched over to my little “diamond cut” wheel that worked great. 

The next step for this windshield modification is a little careful sanding. Use a very small piece (180 grit or so) and it’s less likely to leave scratches where they are not appreciated. If you accidentally mark the shield, it’s a lot of work, sand with 1500-2000 paper then use cut polish or Auto Sol and it can be saved. 

Then it’s time for another test ride. If it’s working for her I will then spend a bit more time sanding and blending the edge. I used a flat bastard file graded between a coarse and medium to blend in the transition. If it’s not right we get to repeat the process doing another cut, test ride, you get it. 


By Rich Burgess Canadian Biker Issue #324


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